Marilyn Rubin
Marilyn, Certified Jr. Intermediate 1, began practicing yoga in the mid-eighties when a friend suggested that she try Iyengar Yoga to relieve her back pain. Iyengar yoga began to heal her back pain and eventually, she took an interest in teaching. The Iyengar system of yoga appealed to Marilyn on many levels i.e body, mind, and spirit. She has been teaching since 1989 and studying with Suzie Muchnick Spencer, Manouso Manos, Colleen Gallagher, and other senior teachers. She has attended the Iyengar conventions in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Marilyn spent a month studying at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune, India in July of 2007. Marilyn has been a massage therapist for 27 years, a yoga teacher for 16 yrs, and looks forward to the future with the possibility of peace and healing for all. Marilyn Habla Español.